I Am Black, I Am Erin Without Apology

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February is a month of reflection. Revelation. Celebration. A month to inspire and be inspired by my fellow brothers and sisters. To be motivated by those before us who valiantly trampled the various obstacles that life placed before them. With blood, sweat, tears and an unfathomable determination they stood and I stand. To be driven by those who will come after us, peering with a youthful lens at people like me and you seeking a better world filled with hope.

Black History Month means more than just the allocated 28-29 days set aside to celebrate amazing black professionals and heroic individuals in history and present time. But, it is more, it is a month that guides me to reaffirm the pride, the love and the respect that I have for my people and myself as a black woman.

Recently, I read a powerful quote online by Upile Chisala; it stood out to me.

“I am dripping melanin and honey. I am black without apology. Get in the habit of celebrating yourself from skin to marrow, you are magic.”

And celebrating oneself starts with not only celebrating my blackness but everything I am. Unapologetically.

And hopefully by doing so, I will Inspire others to truly be themselves  authentically and love everything from the melanin in their skin, to the beauty in their hearts.

I am a bisexual black Latina woman and I will celebrate who I am proudly, because that’s when the true magic begins.

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